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Did you know?

Libraries existed in America before the establishment of the ALA (American Library Association.) The first is the Library Company of Philadelphia which was founded in November 1731 by Benjamin Franklin. It was a subscription library and supported by members.

"All the little money that ever came into my hands was ever laid out in books"
Benjamin Franklin


A place to check out books, conduct research, relax and read, work on school assignments, and print assignments. Plus, a place to fall in love with books, short stories, and poems.

Operating Hours:

Every day the library is open! Hours are 7:00 am to 3:30 pm. On minimum days the library will be open for an hour after school. Students may enter the library in the morning to return books. Between classes students may also return books. Students are more than welcome in the library during lunch time, and after school until the library closes at 3:30 pm. Teachers will work out a schedule with the Librarian to bring and send students during the school day.

Our online library, Sora, is open 24 hours. In Sora students may check out e-books and short stories. Be sure to check out Sora. Students may also link the San Bernardino Public Library, and the San Bernardino County Library, to their Sora account to expand the number of books they may check out. To access Sora all students have to do is click the app in their SBLinks page.


Here are a few resources for students to use in helping them learn this school year.

If students want to research books before coming to the library they can log onto the following website:

  • User name: Your 6-digit lunch number with no zeroes in front.
  • Password: Your last name, exactly as it appears in Aeries.
  • Remember, you don't have to log in to search a book.

The directions are with the site above, and students do not have to log in to view books. The site is easy. All students have to do is point and click.

Websites to help students find information, research, and learn more include:





